Solar News & Climate Blog
Is the EV Market Hitting a Wall or a Speed Bump? Take this quiz to find out.
Have the good times stopped rolling for the electric vehicle industry?  A quick glance at recent news headlines suggests so.  EV sales growth slowed considerably in the first quarter of 2024.  Ford scaled back its expansion plans and even Tesla – the longtime EV market leader – laid off 10% of its global workforce. But dig a little deeper and...
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Off Grid EV Charger at Dartmouth College
Solaflect’s award-winning EV solar charger is completely off-grid, operates entirely on 100% clean energy from the sun, and deploys in just one day with zero ongoing utility or network costs. The four Level 2 charging points are powered by a 6.2-kilowatt solar array mounted on a dual-axis tracker that generates 40% more power than comparable...
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Red Alert!  Weather Forecasts Are Going Off the Charts this Year 
With hot summer months fast approaching, Earth’s climate continues to veer into uncharted territory, reaching temperatures never seen before in human history.  Each of the last 10 months has been the hottest of its time, with September 2023 topping the previous monthly record by nearly 1 full degree F.  That’s practically a quantum leap when...
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New England Coal Use to End by 2028 in Favor of More Wind and Solar Power
New England’s march toward clean energy just took a big step forward. On March 27, the utility operator of the last two coal-fired power plants in New England announced plans to retire them and turn them into “renewable energy parks” that will generate solar power and store electricity from wind turbines being built off the...
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EV Outlook for 2024:  Time to Plug Into the Sun?
Do you own an electric vehicle, or will 2024 be the year you plug into the future by purchasing one?  Adding a Solaflect Tracker at home makes for the perfect combination – creating a backyard filling station for your EV that that runs on pure sunshine and costs up to 80% less than using public...
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Climate Checkup for 2023:  What Six Charts Tell Us
2023 was another year of record warmth and costly climate-related disasters, including right here in New England.  Here’s our latest annual on the globe’s health, as expressed in six charts.  As the black line in the first chart shows, 2023 was a year when global warming went “off the charts!” 2023 stands out as the...
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Climate Negotiators Finally Agree It’s Time to Go ‘Fossil-free’
In early December, diplomats from around the world gathered for the 28th time to negotiate global policies to address climate change.  And, for the first time ever, they reached a global consensus to “transition away from fossil fuels” in a “just, orderly and equitable manner.”   Tenuous as these words may sound, they mark the first...
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Finding the Social Cost of Carbon – and Why It Matters
On the heels of international climate negotiators meeting for the 28th time, this time in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to reduce global warming emissions, do you know the cost of your own carbon footprint?  The social cost of carbon is a two-part question. First, you need to know how much carbon dioxide you emit on a...
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The Future of EV Charging, right here at Dartmouth
Dartmouth College has installed the area’s first off-grid solar electric vehicle charging station that’s designed for workplaces facing a fast-growing number of EV commuters.  As part of this pilot project, four lucky Dartmouth employees who drive EVs or plug-in hybrids will be chosen by lottery to be the first to hook up to this pioneering...
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America’s Grid Needs a Major Overhaul, But Will It Come Fast Enough?
When we think about the “grid,” most of us picture electrical wires strung along our roads or across some far-flung landscape.  It otherwise remains nameless, faceless, and mostly “out of mind.” It’s only when the grid goes down that we really start to realize that, as remote as it seems, it’s increasingly central to our...
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Valley News 2023 Solar Company of the Year
The votes are in, and once again, Solaflect is honored to have been chosen as the Valley News Solar Company of the year for 2023. We’re proud to serve the Upper Valley of NH and VT, and we look forward to continue providing the best solar solutions on the market.
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An Electric Vehicle in Your Life May Be Closer than You Think 
Depending on your age, you may remember a time when your home was not equipped with LED lights, an air conditioning unit, a microwave oven, or even a television set!  Now, for most of us, we can’t seem to live without these things.   They have become part of the electrified fabric of our daily...
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Some Ordinary Rainstorms Are Becoming Just as Dangerous as Hurricanes 
Climate change is full of surprises, and sometimes they can be pleasant.  The string of cloudless and smoke-free days during this first week of October may be payback for the dank and stormy conditions that brought record floods and rainfall to New England this summer.  Regardless, this warm and sunny spell has been an auspicious...
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Solar EV Charging Addresses Twin Challenges of Climate Change and Commuting Cost 
You’ve heard this sort of appeal before: For less than a dollar a day, you can help a child in a faraway place get access to nutritious food, school books or proper medical treatment….   What if your community – or workplace – spent well under a dollar a day to help someone right in your...
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Era of ‘Global Boiling’ Focuses on Rising Ocean Temperatures 
As the hottest July on record was drawing to a close, UN Secretary-General António Guterres may have summed it up best when he declared that the “era of global warming has ended, [and] the era of global ‘boiling’ has arrived.”   Guterres was referring to a string of weather calamities that, sadly, have been repeating themselves this summer,...
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Ten Reasons to Charge Your EV with Solar Energy – Now!
If you don’t already own an electric vehicle, chances are, you will someday soon.  EVs are expected to reach more than half of new U.S. car sales by 2030, up from just 6% today.  With all those new car batteries needing regular charging, EVs may reach nearly 15% of U.S. electricity demand by 2035, up...
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After the Flood, Keep Cool and Carry On – Responsibly
The weather forecast for July 10 said it all.  Vermont, for the first time ever, was at “extreme risk” for excessive rainfall, with flash flooding reaching nearly every corner of the state.  With damage from this 48-hour deluge still being tallied, historical comparisons are being made to Tropical Storm Irene, the August 2011 storm that...
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Solar Power Is on a Roll – Have You Moved Ahead Yet? 
Solar continues to charge ahead!  That’s the main message in a new report from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Wood Mackenzie consulting firm.  As the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other federal tax incentives kick into high gear, solar power generating capacity in the United States is expected to nearly triple by...
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Spring recap:  Early heat. Late frost. Lost harvest. And now smoke.  What’s next?
If you want a picture of how climate change is affecting our weather here in New England, you need look no further than the spring we’ve just had.  It’s been a grim reminder of how climate change is taking us to new extremes that defy the seasons, upset crop-growing patterns, and even foul the air...
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Still Thinking About It…?  Here Are Four Reasons to Explore Solar this Summer
Will this be the season when you take a serious look at 100% clean and less expensive solar energy?  
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How Hot – and Bright – Will the Sun Shine this Summer?
New England is off to another warm start this year as we head into the summer of 2023.  The first four months of the year were the second- and third-hottest on record in New Hampshire and Vermont, respectively, with average temperatures running about 6.5 degrees F above the 20th century average.  While an early season...
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What Do Net Metering Changes Mean for the Future of Residential Solar Power?
On April 15, California modified one of the most attractive residential solar net-metering programs in the nation.  California has long been a leader in promoting residential solar power; it now produces more small-scale solar generation than the next nine largest-producing states combined.  The recent decline in net-metering rates, orchestrated by the California Public Utilities Commission,...
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The Future of U.S. Power Generation Belongs to Solar (and Wind and Batteries)
With all of the ambitious goal-setting around cutting carbon emissions, it’s easy to question whether these targets are for real or just so much political hype. Just last week, President Biden upped the ante on the nation’s switch to electric vehicles, announcing new regulations that would effectively require auto makers to achieve 67% EV sales...
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Renewables Pass Coal in U.S. Power Generation
But Is It Soon Enough to Ward Off the Worst Effects of Climate Change? America reached an historic – if largely unheralded – milestone in 2022.  For the first time, U.S. power generation from renewable resources, mostly wind and solar power, surpassed power from coal-fired generation, according to statistics kept by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. ...
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