Solar News & Climate Blog

extreme weather VT

Some Ordinary Rainstorms Are Becoming Just as Dangerous as Hurricanes 

Climate change is full of surprises, and sometimes they can be pleasant. The string of cloudless and smoke-free days during this first week of October …

Solar EV Charger

Solar EV Charging Addresses Twin Challenges of Climate Change and Commuting Cost 

You’ve heard this sort of appeal before: For less than a dollar a day, you can help a child in a faraway place get access …

Era of ‘Global Boiling’ Focuses on Rising Ocean Temperatures 

As the hottest July on record was drawing to a close, UN Secretary-General António Guterres may have summed it up best when he declared that …

Solar EV Charger

Ten Reasons to Charge Your EV with Solar Energy – Now!

If you don’t already own an electric vehicle, chances are, you will someday soon. EVs are expected to reach more than half of new U.S …

After the Flood, Keep Cool and Carry On – Responsibly

The weather forecast for July 10 said it all. Vermont, for the first time ever, was at “extreme risk” for excessive rainfall, with flash flooding …

Solar trackers are a on a roll

Solar Power Is on a Roll – Have You Moved Ahead Yet? 

Solar continues to charge ahead!  That’s the main message in a new report from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Wood Mackenzie consulting …

Spring recap:  Early heat. Late frost. Lost harvest. And now smoke.  What’s next?

If you want a picture of how climate change is affecting our weather here in New England, you need look no further than the spring …

Still Thinking About It…?  Here Are Four Reasons to Explore Solar this Summer

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer and – right on cue — the weather has turned hot and sunny. Will this be the …

How Hot – and Bright – Will the Sun Shine this Summer?

New England is off to another warm start this year as we head into the summer of 2023. The first four months of the year …

What Do Net Metering Changes Mean for the Future of Residential Solar Power?

On April 15, California modified one of the most attractive residential solar net-metering programs in the nation. California has long been a leader in promoting …

The Future of U.S. Power Generation Belongs to Solar (and Wind and Batteries)

With all of the ambitious goal-setting around cutting carbon emissions, it’s easy to question whether these targets are for real or just so much political …

Renewables Pass Coal in U.S. Power Generation

But Is It Soon Enough to Ward Off the Worst Effects of Climate Change? America reached an historic – if largely unheralded – milestone in …