Solar News & Climate Blog

2020 Was a Bad Year for the Climate

But Will It Mark a Turning Point? 2020 was a challenging year by lots of measures – and climate change was no exception. While U.S …

Now Is the Time to Sign Your Own Solar Executive Order

On Day One in the White House, President Joe Biden signed an executive order recommitting our nation to fight global warming under the Paris climate …

Vermont Cutting Solar Net-Metering Again January 31st, 2021

For Homeowners Considering Solar, Congress Giveth and Vermont Taketh Away Homeowners looking to install solar power received welcome news from Congress over the Christmas holidays …

VTDigger: Vermont Regulators Cut Incentives to Switch to Solar Energy

A new report says solar energy has saved Vermonters $79 million and New Englanders $1.1 billion in just six years. That narrative runs counter to …

Save Solar – Make your voice heard!

“Let the sun shine!” That’s the refrain some of us have been singing for 50 years now.” Will 2021 Finally Be the Dawning of the …

sonnenCore: Lower Priced Versatility

New sonnen Battery Makes Home Energy Storage More Affordable and Flexible Just in time for the holidays – and for the final year of federal …

What’s Next for Clean Energy and Solar/Battery Tax Credits?

Now that the dust appears to have settled on the 2020 presidential election, what does the future hold for clean energy policy and solar investment …

Official Vermont Policy: Change Nothing and Hope Climate Change goes Away

This graph is the electric mix from the 2020 Annual Energy Report, prepared by the Vermont Department of Public Service (January 15, 2020). This is …

How Have the Koch Brothers Infiltrated the Scott Administration

Have the Koch Brothers really infiltrated Vermont? Yes, the main argument used by the Vermont Public Service Department, the Public Utilities Commission and the Vermont …

2020 US Climate Crises

• Colorado’s two biggest wildfires on record have occurred in the last three months. • September 2020 was the warmest September (world-wide) in 140 years …

Vermont Greenwashing

What, isn’t Vermont “Green”? Of course it is, right? Wrong. Green Mountain Power, which is owned by a Canadian natural gas distributor and supplies 70% …

What If We Electrified Everything?

Imagine a world where everything needing a power source runs on electricity. Lots of things in our daily lives already fit this mold – our …